Farm Fresh, Unpasteurized Milk, Straight from our Cows to You
The Milking Cows
The momma hens, The devas, and The punks
Please keep in mind that none of the cows are underweight, just like humans some cows are skinnier than others. In addition, some of them are pregnant so their weight will be distributed unevenly.
If you have any concerns about the husbandry in these pictures please keep in mind that every facility is different and not all the pictures were taken at our current property.
We will now be posting our newborns on the website as well! The cows are owned by the three (grown) children of Torena Farms' Creators. Each has their own method of naming their calves and we will update you as soon as possible. Thank you : )
The Newest Baby
Created By: Katie
We now have a second set of twins! This time we were granted two girls! We are able to keep the girls on the farm for as long as we can. We named the girls Lisa (no spot) and Maggie (spot) after the Simpsons to keep giving twins theming names! They are doing great and always hungry! Love you both and thank you for coming into this world safely.
Mina/Big Mama
The Founder & CEO
This cow has been in the family for over a decade and does not take no for an answer. She was supposed to be retired but she said no and had one last kid!
Hopefully, she is happy and in a better place with the rest of the wonderful cows who didn’t make it. Rest in piece Mina, we will always miss you <3
This mama cow is an absolute giant! As you can see in the picture to the right she has had one set of twins and might have more! She is also one of our biggest milk producers. We can't wait for what curve balls she throws at us next.
She is your run-of-the-mill worker. She likes what she does and gets the job done. You can also bet that she gossips with everyone during lunch.
Sleeping Beauty
Api, short for apricot, is one of our beautiful holsteins. She has a distinctly thick blaze down her face making her distinctive. The majority of the fur on her body is also white making her easy to spot from the front and back. She is another one of our ex-show-cows and loves the attention. It may take her a while to respond to us when we call her but she always comes expecting said attention (hence the sleepy girl). This is also my favorite picture of her because when I took the picture, I was trying to take a picture of a different cow for the site. Turned out she wanted her picture taken too and this is the face she made when I said, “Cheese”. What a goofball!
The hot sauce that will sneak up on you
Tally is one of our more experienced cows and a total trouper. She has been milking the longest so far this year. She may look skinny but she could lift weights all day every day.
Under The Sea
Ariel is one of our larger brown Swiss on the farm. We have had her all her life and she has given us many calves and milk! She is one of our highest producers and will make it easy to provide milk for all our customers.
Natural Born Momma
Charlotte is a first-time mom and milker. She is going a great job so far and we can't wait to see what she does next.
Daughter of Nemo
Coral is another one of the cattle that we bred and raised ourselves. This girl was also a show-stopper and won many awards in the 4-H ring. She is already such a good mama and showing so much promise!
The sweet southern
Tessa is another one of our cows she bred and raised. She is turning into a strong-willed Momma cow and we couldn't be more proud.
aka an Elk
She is our only Red Holstein and as rare and beautiful as it sounds. Because of this, she expects to be treated as a Queen. She wants to be fed on time and milked with Midas' hand. Although we might be able to compromise with some glitter.
Jelly Bean
Sweet like licorice
Jelly Bean is one of our younger cows on the TORENA Farms property. She is a half-Holstein and half-Brown Swiss mix making her one of a few that we have.
Our resident EMO
Dots is our residential emo. She is rather reserved but still likes the occasional love session. Oh, and we cannot forget her favorite activity; sun bathing. She is just like Jelly Bean in the fact that she is Half-Holstein and Half-Brown Swiss.
Just like NCIS
Our wonderful cow, Ziva is on her second round of milking with Torena Farms. Just like the character in the TV show, the cow started a little feisty and rough around the edges. But the more she was accepted by the other cows and loved by the humans the cow too softened. Ziva now insists on getting her morning scratches before milking.
Might Mouse
Spirit is the smallest and youngest mom we have on the farm. We are not sure what breed she is but she is doing great. She is a little shy but gives us plenty of milk and loves the barn as much as the rest!
She is one of the oldest Jersey cows we have. She is a good milker and ready to retire to a nice family farm as soon as she is ready to retire. She is gorgeous and a little shy but she knows how to get the job done and won't quit until it's done the right way.
Complicated Katie
Lovely Miss Katie is one of a few full Jersey Cows we have on the farm. She is a little more shy and conservative than the rest so we weren't sure how she would do in the new barn. However, she has done wonders and is ready to help the other girls in the milk collection. She was even willing to go into the barn before the baby was born. We were thinking she might have the baby in the barn she liked it so much!
Speaking of Complicated, Katie delivered healthy twins! We certainly didn't know she had two cooking!
The Stud-Muffin
This is our main male in the breeding program. In order to keep the Dairy going with a new generatio.